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Writer's pictureKatye Anna

The Journey to Sarasota

Updated: Mar 16, 2018

I am writing this blog from Myrtle Beach SC. This is my first stopover on my way to Sarasota Fl. The road getting here has taken me on many twist and turns, but yesterday, despite food poisoning, snow and Steven not being cleared by his doctors to travel I am on my way.

Yesterday as I sat at the top of my very steep driveway I asked myself if I had the courage to take this trip by myself. I quickly remembered I was not alone and everything in my life has prepared me for this. I have the entire universe and many beautiful people cheering me on. This was a trip I knew I had to make.

I could have waited until the snow stopped and the roads were clear but everything in me knew it was time to get on the road.

Gracie, my rented SUV and I slowly went down the hill. Fortunately, I only had to deal with snow for the first half hour of the trip.

I had nine hours to think as I drove to Myrtle beach. My thoughts took me to another hill thirty-six years ago in January. I sat at the bottom of that hill crying.

In CrossRoads I wrote, “I remember driving to the nursing home to apply for the job. A very icy road was the path I had to travel to get to the nursing home. I remember telling myself as I sat in my car crying, after my second attempt up the huge hill, that I couldn’t turn back… On that day thirty-four years ago that icy road was an initiation. How much did I want to change my life? What lengths would I go to step onto the path being illuminated by my soul? As I sat there at the bottom of the hill I could feel the same surge of energy I had felt the day I knew my marriage was over.

Something inside, some kind of energy, was pushing me to get up that hill. I knew if I could drive up that hill I could do anything. I took a deep breath and through tears I cried out for help. I asked my angels to help me drive the car up the hill. My car slipped all over the place, but I made it up the icy hill.”

As I reread what I wrote happy tears spring forth from my eyes.

That same “energy” that was pushing me to get up that hill 36 years ago was also pushing me to drive down my snow-covered driveway.

I now know that “energy” was my soul.

To say I am not the same woman would be an understatement. 36 years of following the guidance of my soul and the world of spirit has opened my life up to loving and living from the heart.

At my core I trust the journey.

I don’t always like it but I trust it.

I know without any doubt that I am who I was born to be. Through all the twist and turns of my life I have found my way to this place of following my soul’s guidance, thus I live from the heart.

As the teacher of soul, I am blessed to offer teachings of love to help others remember the truth of who they are – beings of love.

The reason for this trip is clear. I am guided to share the teachings of Anna with anyone who will listen. Anna has been known to me for over twenty years. For many years I thought of Anna as my higher self. I now understand that Anna is a group of many different souls. Everything I teach is infused with “Anna”, my Soul, Ascended Masters and Angels. In 2013 despite my resistance I became the voice for Anna.

Anna offers a wealth of information and guidance that is meant to help humankind awaken to the power in each of us to create experiences aligned with love. Through discourses and soul messages, Anna shares wisdom, enriched with humor and energy to help listeners awaken to new possibilities and align with love.

During this trip I will be blogging and sharing about my journey. I will also be sharing about my new book The Three Spiritual Keys. Anna gave us The Three Spiritual Keys as a roadmap to help us return to the way of love. The Three Keys are not new. What is new is the way that we teach them. Spiritual teachers have been teaching about converging in love, taking responsibility for our thoughts and emotions and knowing we can ONLY succeed together for eons.

To celebrate my book tour the kindle version of The Three Spiritual Keys is free for the next 24 hours. The only thing I ask is that after you read it you go back to Amazon and leave a review.

As I sit here I think of the many beautiful beings of love who have helped me on my journey.

My mom and dad instilled in me, from birth, the teachings of Jesus. His was the way of the heart and so is mine. Jesus continues to be my teacher and my guide. I am blessed to have 6 brothers and sisters who have helped me along the way and the most wonderful grandchildren on the planet. My children, Kathy and Lloyd have been blessings in my life from the day they were conceived. The list is long and many of you know who you are. I would like to thank Judy Bazis for stepping into her dream of Illuminating the world with more love through her Illuminate Body, Mind and Spirit Festivals. Her dream opens a pathway for my dream of reaching more students with my messages of transformation and love.

I have been blessed by the love of many wonderful partners along my way. Rita, thank you for driving me to those Reiki classes twenty plus years ago. Reiki opened my heart to following the wisdom of my soul. Johnny and Allan, you continue to bless my life even though you have both birthed into spirit. Dave, you brought joy and laughter back into my life. Steven, you are my Other and we are blessed that our paths have crossed again. Your love and support, even while you are dealing with your health challenges, fill me up. My soul sisters, to name a few, Sally, Terry, Shirl, Lana, Sharon, Sara, and Gail, thank you for your love and support. My wonderful team, Lloyd, Leslie, Sally, Judy, Wendy and Jenny thank you for the love and support.

Feeling blessed and ready for the adventure that awaits me.

I want to thank everyone who has reached out to me and offered to drive to Sarasota with me. This was a journey I knew I had to make by myself. Christine Bair, I don’t think we have ever met but thank you for your beautiful message. I am reading your book “The Heart Field”. I highly recommend it.

Today take some time and think about your own journey. Perhaps reach out to someone who has impacted your life in a powerful way.

Today practice the Three Spiritual Keys: Key One: Converge in love. If the experience isn’t in love don’t give ANY energy to it. Key Two: Take responsibility for your thoughts. Nothing happens in your world without yoru permission. Anna teaches that it is NOT the experience which create the wounding it’s our attachments to the experience and the story we tell ourselves over and over about it. Key Three: Know we can only succeed together. We all share the same mind field within God – we are connected.

As I move through the next few weeks I invite your questions and your thoughts. For those of you on Face book please join me at Anna Speaks. I will be posting there every-day.

Blessings, Katye Anna

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