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Moving Through Grief Sessions

In my grief work I help people find their way out of the land of the broken hearted.  I do this by encouraging them to move through the waves of grief. I also teach and believe that our loved ones have birthed into spirit. Even as they move through grief I help my clients shift from my loved one is dead to me, to, my loved one has birthed into spirit. With this new awareness a new relationship can be formed with your loved one should you choose to have one. 


Your grief is as unique as you are and your loss. 


During our work together I will encourage you to feel and honor every raw emotion. I will hold space for you to move through this time of great change in your life. The core words here are MOVE THROUGH. 


I remind you that whatever your loss you will not always grieve. You will know joy again. Call upon the angels to help you heal. If you don't know how to ask your angels for help I will teach you how to connect with them. 


To find joy again you must be willing to move from the land of the broken hearted.  This takes time. Honor every emotion and feeling. Be gentle with yourself. Be gentle with your heart. 


Your first session is free. If you decide to continue working with me you can purchase a package of sessions.  


Package One: Six Sessions for $750.00 






Package Two: Twelve Sessions $1100.00 







Ready to book a Moving Through Grief Free Session fill out the form below: 




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Excerpts From

Soul Love Never Ends

I Wish Someone Would Have Handed Me This Article After Allan Birthed Into Spirit 

Refund policy:  All payments for class tuition, downloadable meditations, 100% non-refundable after first class. 


By continuing with your purchase, you assure us you have read and agree to the information.  


2016-2020 Katye Anna LLC. All Worldwide Rights Reserved

Created By: Katye Anna Soulworks

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