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Excerpt From "The Unraveling Continues -

The Birth of Unity Consciousness "


When we realize we are out of alignment we must STOP and RECONNECT with the rhythm of our soul. The rhythm of your soul will always guide you back to your heart space and love. The rhythm of your soul will gently guide you back into a state of love, peace and safety.


For your soul, love is not a choice, love is a state of being. This is something most of us have not fully integrated. Our expression of love is currently attached to conditions.  One day we will wake up in the New Earth Consciousness and love will be constant, unchanging and unwavering. Until this time you must choose to move your energy and your consciousness back to love.


When we are connected to the rhythm of our soul we are not pulled into the chaos and confusion going on around us.


Connected to the rhythm of our soul love for others is not dependent on their actions but our love is constant and unchanging.


Coming from a place of kindness, generosity and being supportive of others we no longer judge others.  We seek to find a solution for the common good of all.  


Connected to the rhythm of our soul we move through the chaos and confusion by staying open to love.


Connected to the rhythm of our soul we understand how precious our time on earth is and we use our time to create experiences for the common good of all.


When we are connected to the rhythm of our soul, we experience a peace which surpasses all understanding.


Connected to the rhythm of our soul we once again align our lives with nature and the world of spirit.

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To be released fall of 2021

Many people dream of a world where everyone thrives. A world built on kindness, generosity, collaboration and cooperation for the common good of all. A world of love.


Many say this is just a dream.


Katye Anna has witnessed the New Earth. It is real and is waiting for you. In this groundbreaker book Katye Anna teaches you how you can move onto the New Earth.


This is a book about hope. This is a book about a vision of a New Earth built upon the consciousness of love and the common good of all.


In The Unraveling Continues – The Birth of Unity Consciousness, Katye Anna illuminates a different pathway for those who are ready to step onto it. By reading this book you will learn how to use the Three Spiritual Keys, the Catch and Release Process and the Four C’s to move away from Separation Consciousness into Unity Consciousness and much more.

  • You will learn how to connect with the rhythm of your soul.

  • You will learn that no matter where you were born, your ethnic group, or station in life, everyone’s soul has the same moral compass guiding them which is love.

  • You will learn what Separation Consciousness is and how you have built your entire life on principles that separate you from others, the world of spirit and nature.

  • You will learn what Unity Consciousness is and how to build your life on principles that serve the common good of all.

  • You will learn how to use your imagination, intuition, and dreams to create experiences for the common good of all.










For over twenty-nine years Katye Anna has been sharing her gifts and messages of transformation and empowered soulful living. Katye Anna inspires her students and clients to bring forth the highest expression of soul into their lives and the world. Through her books, classes and retreats she brings forth teachings and insights to help the citizens of earth return to love.

Refund policy:  All payments for class tuition, downloadable meditations, 100% non-refundable after first class. 


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2016-2020 Katye Anna LLC. All Worldwide Rights Reserved

Created By: Katye Anna Soulworks

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