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I am passionate about helping people create end of life plans. With an end of life plan in-place families, caregivers and doctors have clear directions as to how people want to live until they birth into spirit. 


A requirement for certification is helping three people create their end of life plan. To help my doulas do this I have created and End of Life Planner. 


You will receive this 110 page downloadable End of Life Planner.


Part of the training is teaching my doulas how to help their clients learn how to move back and forth between worlds. Birthing into spirit is a journey one we will all take.  Going back and forth between worlds can be experienced by anyone. It is, for this reason, I created the meditation "Letting Go and Moving Into The Light" 



Letting Go and Moving Into The Light By Katye Anna
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During Your Birthing Into Spirit Doula Training You Will:


  • Learn the role of the Birthing Into Spirit Doula

  • Adapting the doula model of care for end of life

  • Discuss what “birthing into spirit” is.

  • Learn about shared crossings. 

  • Learn how to help your client or loved one create an End of Life Plan

  • How to work with a hospice team and family members.

  • Learn the Five Stages of Grief Developed by Elisabeth Kubler Ross.

  • Examine your beliefs about the afterlife: what is it, where it is.

  • Discuss physical death as a part of the journey of the soul. 

  • Discuss your personal beliefs about physical death.

  • Explore what it means to have a "good death."

  • Exploring the dying process

  • Understand hospice and palliative care.

  • Gathering All the Important Documents. 

  • How to create and hold a vigil.

  • Learn how to be comfortable with silence while sitting by the bedside of someone birthing into spirit.  

  • The importance of self-care.

  • Learn how to listen to and honor deathbed visions

  • Learn Active listening skills

  • How to Identify the needs of the dying and family

  • Discuss physical death as a part of the journey of the soul

  • Experience and learn “Letting Go Meditation."

  • Learn the “Into the Light Meditation.”

  • Learn how to connect with the person birthing into spirit via the "Heart to Heart" linkup. This is a special technique taught to Katye Anna over 25 years. 

  • Learn how to use light weaving and energy work to promote relaxation for the person birthing and family.  You will learn a technique to open up the chakras of the person birthing into spirit

  • Learn how to support the family through the process of letting go of their loved one as they move into the light.

  • Explore and expand your own heightened states of consciousness so you can support the heightened state of consciousness of the person birthing into spirit. This includes honoring that the person birthing into spirit is seeing angels and loved ones who have birthed into spirit. 

  • Learn how to support the process of the person birthing into spirit wherever they need to go. 

  • You will learn how to support the family after their loved one has birthed into spirit.  Every family is different.  When someone I love births into spirit I invite friends and family to come and sit by the bedside.  We talk, laugh and cry together. Sometimes I bath the body before calling the undertaker. 









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Students are given copyright permission to use this Journal with their clients. 
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You will receive a copy of this manual 

Refund policy:  All payments for class tuition, downloadable meditations, 100% non-refundable after first class. 


By continuing with your purchase, you assure us you have read and agree to the information.  


2016-2020 Katye Anna LLC. All Worldwide Rights Reserved

Created By: Katye Anna Soulworks

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