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Private Sessions Package
As your guide and life coach, I will help you clarify the deeper issues that are going on underneath your life experiences. During every session, I will decode the energy of you.  I will help you understand what old outdated beliefs and energy are currently influencing your life. 
Coaching sessions and be combined in a way that fits your needs.
If you are booking couple sessions with me you can schedule individual sessions and private sessions. 

Coaching Packages 


6 sessions - $700.00 




12 sessions - $1200.00 






Refund policy: Private session packages are 100% non-refundable after 7 days of your first private session. While there are no refunds after 7 days I will allow you to transfer sessions to someone else or use them at a later date. Session packages are prorated at 150.00 a session. 

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Refund policy:  All payments for class tuition, downloadable meditations, 100% non-refundable after first class. 


By continuing with your purchase, you assure us you have read and agree to the information.  


2016-2020 Katye Anna LLC. All Worldwide Rights Reserved

Created By: Katye Anna Soulworks

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